I was thinking the the other day, "What if you could make a pay per view with all the superstars of today and all the superstars of yesteryear." Then I decided that that would be a good blog topic. So here you go, The dream pay per view.
Torrie Wilson vs. Chyna
John Morrison vs. Georgious George
Intercontinental Championship Match:
Carlito vs. Mr.Kennedy
The Rockers vs. London and Kendrick
Batista vs. The Ultimate Warrior
Hulk Hogan vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Women's Championship:
Trish Stratus vs. The Fabuluos Moolah
ECW Championship:
(Extreme rules match) Mick Foley vs. Sandman vs. Sabu vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. CM Punk
The Great Khali vs. Andre the Giant
WWE Tag Team Championship:
Edge and Christain vs. The Dudley Boyz w/Spike Dudley
Big Daddy V vs. Yokozuna
(Submission only match) Chris Maters vs. Chris Benoit
World Tag Team Championship:
Undertaker and Kane vs. Matt and Jeff Hardy
Mark Henry vs. Bobby Lashley
Last Man Standing Match: Randy Orton vs. Bret Hart
United States Championship:
Sting vs. Booker T
Sensational Sherri vs. Victoria
Ric Flair vs. Finlay
World Heavyweight Championship:
Rey Mysterio vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
Texas Bullrope Match:
JBL vs. Dusty Rhodes
WWE Championship Match:
(Battle Royal)The Rock vs. John Cena vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Geurrero vs. Big Show vs. Umaga
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Dream Pay Per View
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Carlito Removed Form WWE?
Carlito was removed from the Raw opening video and was replaced with Chris Jehrico. Carlito and the WWE have not been seeing eye to eye lately, and there were rumors he was going to be fired. This probably means that he is already fired, or it means he is going to be fired in the near future.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Possible Return Spoilers
Bobby Lashley was injured by Mr.Kennedy at the begginning of August. Most people think he will return at Armageddon, but because of the Michaels/Kennedy match he will not return at Armageddon. Spoiler websites and other sources say he will return in December or when the Michaels/Kennedy rivalry is over.
As most of you know by know, Matt Hardy is injured. He will be out for 3 months. Sources say he will return around Royal Rumble.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Raw Main Event 11.26.07/ Happy Birthday
The main event for the next episode of Raw is Triple H and Jeff Hardy vs. Snitsky and Umaga.
Happy Birthday to Women's champion Beth Phoenix. She turns 27 today.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, November 25, 2007
No Way Out 2008
At No Way Out 2008, (the pay per view after Royal Rumble) there will be a #1 contender's elimanation chamber. The winner of the match gets a Wrestlemania tittle shot. They can have a shot at any tittle except the tittle the royal rumble winner is getting a shot at. Here is how the elimanation chamber works.
You are trapped in a hell in a cell type cage. There are 6 people. Four of them are trapped behind a wall of glass. Every 60 seconds, someone is released from behind the glass wall and enters the match. If you are pinned or you tap out, you are elimanated. The last man standing wins.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Smackdown Taping reults for 11/23/07 Episode
Smackdown is taped every Tuesday before ECW airs. Here are last night's taping results:
United States Champion MVP def. Rey Mysterio
The Miz and John Morrison def. The Major Brothers
Several videos are shown at various times that reveal Edge and Vickie Guerero are dating
Jamie Noble def. Chuck Palumbo
Finlay and Hornswoggle def. Mark Henry (Handicapped Match)
After the match The Great Khali came out and attacked Finlay and Hornswoggle
Torrie Wilson def. Victoria
Kane def. Big Daddy V (Disqualification)
There is an interview with Batista. Vickie Geurrero and Edge are at ringside. During the interview, it is announced that Batista will fight Edge next week. Then, The Undertaker comes out and tombstones Vickie Geurrero. Vickie is taken out on a stretcher as the show goes off the air.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Raw Results 11/19/07
Here are last night's Raw results:
Shawn Michaels vs. Mr.Kennedy (Match never started)
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Santino Marrella
Jeff Hardy def. Umaga (Disqualification)
Cody Rhodes def. Hardcore Holly
Mickie James and Maria def. Melina and Jillian Hall
Hornswoggle def. Carlito (No Disqualifications match)
After Hornswoggle's match, there was a passing of the torch ceremony. The torch was going to be passed on to Randy Orton. During the ceremony, the Save us_.222 video started playing. The numbers 222 changed to x29. Then x29 changed to y2j. Then, all of a sudden, former WWE star Chris Jehrico came out! He told Orton the save us part of the code meant he was going to save the people from Randy Orton. Then he said that he wants Orton's tittle!
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Survivor Series Results
Last night was the 21st annaul Survivor Series and the 10th anniversery of "The Montreal Screwjob". For those of you who missed the Pay Per View, here are the results:
CM Punk def. Miz, John Morrison in a triple threat match (CM Punk Retains ECW Championship)
Mickie James,Kelly Kelly,Torrie Wilson,Michelle Mcool and Maria def. Beth Pheonix,Layla,Melina,Victoria and Jillian Hall
Soul Survivors: Mickie James and Melina
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch def. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly (Cade and Murdoch retain World Tag Team Championship)
Triple H,Rey Mysterio,Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy and Kane def. Umaga,Finlay,Mr.Kennedy,MVP and Big Daddy V
Soul Survivors: Triple H,Jeff Hardy and Umaga
Khali def. Hornswoggle (DQ - Hornswoggle was DQ'd after Finlay interferred)
Randy Orton def. Shawn Michaels (Orton retains WWE Championship)
Hell in a Cell- Batista def. Undertaker (Batista retains World Heavyweight Championship)
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, November 19, 2007
Last night at Survivor Series Finlay interrupted Khali and Hornswoggles' match and helped Hornswoggle. This started a fight between Khali and Finlay, which means they will probabaly start a rivalry. If they do, WWE is officially the stupidest company ever. Khali should be rivaling with somebody like Kane. Finlay should be rivaling with somebody like Chuck Palumbo. Besides, if they ever fight each other the match will be boring and short. In fact, some of the rivalrys have been repetative and obvious lately, so I came up with a few rivalries that I think the WWE should use.
RIVALRY: Finlay vs. Ric Flair
REASON: Finlay loses to Ric Flair in a #1 contenders match for the World Champion. This makes Finlay very angry. So, to get revenge, Finlay interrupts Flair's World Tittle Match. When the Ref isn't looking Finlay hits Flair in the head with the Shalalie, Knocking Flair out cold, allowing the champ to get the pin.
STARTING POINT:No Way Out 2008 (The place where Ric Flair gets his tittle match)
ENDING POINT: Wrestlemania 24 (The place where Flair is having his retirement match. Seriously)
FINAL OUTCOME: Flair makes Finlay tap out to the Figure Four Leg Lock, making a happy ending for the rivalry, and for Flair's career.
RIVALRY: Kevin Thorn vs. CM Punk
REASON: Thorn becomes the #1 contender for Punk's tittle.
STARTING POINT: An episode of ECW (When Thorn wins the #1 contenders match)
SECOND POINT: Armagaadon 2007. Punk beats Thorn and retains the tittle in a roll up.
THIRD POINT: New Years Revolution 2008. Punk retains against Thorn in a no DQ match.
FOURTH POINT:Royal Rumble 2008. Thorn beats Punk and Big Daddy V in a triple threat match to win the tittle.
FIFTH POINT: No Way Out 2008. Thorn retains in an Elimanation Chamber against Punk, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Chuck Palumbo, and Jamie Noble.
FINAL POINT: Wrestlemania 24. If Punk loses he never gets a shot at the tittle ever again. EVER!!
FINAL OUTCOME: Punk wins the match and gets the tittle. It is a close finish, but Punk wins after a GTS off the top of the cage.
RIVALRY:Matt Hardy vs. Elijah Burke
REASON: Elijah Burke wants Matt Hardy's US Tittle which he won at Armagaadon.
STARTING POINT: Burke attacks Hardy, which gets Burke a tittle shot .
SECOND POINT:The next episode of Smackdown. Hardy fights Burke in a tittle match. Hardy retains after a Twist of Fate.
THIRD POINT: The episode of ECW after Royal Rumble. Hardy retains against MVP and Burke in a triple threat match.
FINAL OUTCOME:Hardy retains the tittle after 2 Twist of Fates.
RIVALRY: Randy Orton vs. Bobby Lashley
REASON: Lashley becomes #1 contender for the WWE champion.
STARTING POINT:Bobby Lashley wins a #1 contenders match the night he returns.
SECOND POINT:ROYAL RUMBLE 2008.Orton retains the tittle.
THIRD POINT:NO WAY OUT 2008.Lashley wins by DQ after Orton beats the heck out of him with a chair.
FINAL POINT:Wrestlemania 24
FINAL OUTCOME: The Royal Rumble winner is in this match, making it a triple threat match. Orton loses the tittle but not to Lashley, to the Royal Rumble winner Shawn Michaels. This renews Orton and Michaels rivalry, and ends Orton and Lashley's.
So, how did you like the ideas? Even if you hated them they are all probably better than all that junk that's going on on Raw. All that stuff is making Raw look like "The Young and the Restless", not wrestling. That's why I know any Average Joe could write better storylines for Raw than the WWE can. Check in soon for Rivalries 2.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, November 19, 2007
Labels: Rivalries
Special Match On Ecw?
The Sci-Fi channel has e-mailed the man who runs wrestling news world.com a picture of the Boogeyman. Under the picture it says:
"Tune in to ECW and watch the extremists battle for total domination."
No one nows what this truly means, but I have a couple of ideas. Maybe the ECW Champion will be vacated, and there will be a Battle Royal to determine the new champion. Or maybe Teddy Long wants Vickie Guerrero to be the assistant GM again, even thought he is still injured. Then Armando Estrada decides to have a match that will determine the new Smackdown GM. Or maybe there will be a #1 contenders Battle Royal. Nobody knows.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, November 19, 2007
Chris Jehrico's Exact Return Date and Time
Last week on Monday night Raw, they played the Chris Jehrico "Save us_.222" video, (as always) except they put the words nxt. mon. at the end. This obviously means that he will return tonight. Last night at Survivor series, they played the video at 10:13. At the end of they video it said 23 hrs.- 32 minutes. This means Jehrico will return tonight at 9:45 pm.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, November 19, 2007