I had a weird dream. There were these bees. They all were doing Dane Cook's hand signal. Weird. They were chasing me because I called Lewis Black a faggot. Even Weirder, because Lewis Black is funny but a little crazy and I would never do that. Then they stung me, but I wasn't hurt. I sung the Beatles' "Imagine". I woke up. I kinda knew it was a dream, because if it wasn't, that would've been one of those visions you see when you take too much LSD. (Hey, that ryhmes!) Then I thought of an idea for a movie- a bee movie. No, not the one with Jerry Seinfeild that you hated but watched because your 4 year-old son wouldn't stop begging you to get off your lazy ass and take him to the movies. No. Now, they've had Snakes on a Plane, Cockroaches on a Skateboard, and even Michael Jackson and Herbert from Family Guy in a dark closet with little Timmy, but those don't even come close to the horror in this movie, titled- AFRICAN KILLER BEES IN A PURSE. It gives you the creeps already, doesn't it? Anyway, the first scene starts out with little old Mrs.McDougal from across the street, getting into her car. She sees bees, and they come towards her car. They are going to sting her, because she's too old to roll up the window or actually drive. They sting her and theopening credits roll. They show a 16 year-old girl talking to one of her boyfriends on the phone. The bees sting the crap out of her, and make a hive in her purse. In the next scene, Captain Underpants kills all the bees. The movie ends at Christmas when Tiny Tim finally gets that big red firetruck he wanted. We could even get Samuel L. Jackson to yell, "I'm tired of these motherf'n African Killer Bees in this motherf'n purse." This would would definetely win an Oscar. I'm positive of that. Anyway, I've been thinking of how much tournaments like Beat the Clock Sprints and that tourny we saw on SD suck. WWE should think of a new tournament, something more interesting. Something like, A BallPark Tournament. Some of you may be thinking, "Man, what the hell is a ballpark tournament." First of all, how dare you question me! Second of all, this tournament is a little complicated. Not as complicated as TNA's Feast or Fired, but complicated. There are 4 -6 people involved. You chose a "9th inning", or a deadline. This tournament goes on until the deadline. When you lose, you are elimanated. To win, you must have the most wins by the deadline, or you must be the last one standing. Doesn't it sound like a great tournament?
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The best idea for a tournament ever
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Labels: Tournaments
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