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Monday, September 24, 2007

Ideas For The WWE

The WWE has 3 brands. That means 6 hours of wrestling a week at the least, which is kind of hard to keep up with. I think the WWE should get rid of ECW. It only has 12 superstars, and most of them are second-rate. They should only have 2 shows, or even only one. That would be good because the Tag Team division would be stronger, the mid-carder storyline would be more interesting, and the wrestlers would be less tired. They could call the show WWE Primetime. They could have it on Fridays at 8-10 on the CW. It would have all the wrestlers. It would look a little like this.
WWE Primetime
The cruiserweights would have to fight for themselves. They would survive though.
My other idea is that the WWE keeps all the brands and makes The WWE Tri-Branded Championship. All the WWE superstars could compete for it, no matter what brand. It would make the competition a little more interesting.


mysterio 619 said...

matt i dont think that would work because that means every wrestler would only fight every two weeks.say you liked batista and you loved watching him wrestle. you would get mad that you only getto see him wrestle every two weeks. that would make ratings go down. catch you later.

cd619 said...

its chris,they should get rid of ecw and put 6 of their superstars on raw and 6 on smackdown. smackdown should have a womens championship

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