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Sunday, February 17, 2008

WWE Questionaire

On WWE.com, the questioned readers about what their "tagline" should be. Here were the choices:

WWE...Real Entertainment
WWE...The Ultimate Thrill Ride
WWE...Let Us Entertain You
WWE...Where the Story Never Ends
WWE...It's On
WWE...It's Unreal

Well WWE, I got some real "taglines" for you:

WWE... Do the laughs ever start
WWE... Is TV this bad a crime
WWE... Sometimes we let out some "domestic" crossfaces (cough *BENOIT* cough)
WWE... Where the story makes no sense
WWE... The most violent form of entertainment
WWE... What are these "Steriods" you speak of
WWE... At least pretend it's good

Will you tell all your freinds that are freinds that I am back to blogging?