One Night Stand is on Sunday. Like a real one night stand, you have to pay $40 or more for it and the money is never worth it. Anyway, me, Majoordood (my brother), and Deadopossum (friend) got together and talked about this PPV. Here are our predictions:
Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga- Falls Count Anywhere
Roadkill: Jeff Hardy will win this. They're not going to make him lose because this is his second PPV since his return and that would make him look weak. (They already made the PPV loss mistake with Jericho, which means they might be smart enough to not screw it up now). Also, the WWE is trying to make it look like Hardy has no chance, but every time they do that the "weaker" person wins.
Majoordood: Honestly, Jeff Hardy is going to lose. I just know it.
Deadopossum: Umaga defeats Jeff Hardy.
Batista vs. Shawn Michaels- Stretcher match
Roadkill: HBK wins with some help of Jericho.
Majoordood: It's a little close to call, but I say Batista.
Deadopossum: Michaels
#1 contenders match, winner faces Kane at Night of Champions- Singapore Cane on a pole match
Roadkill: Big Show
MD: Show will win, but I think Punk will cash in MITB later in the night to win the ECW title.
DP: Show wins.
Melina vs. Beth Phoenix- I Quit match
RK: It's really close, but I think Melina wins after a few shot with her boot and her submission hold- I have no idea what it's called.
MD: Beth Phoenix by a long shot.
DP: Roadkill, your brother is right. Melina has no chance in hell.
John Cena vs. JBL- First Blood match
RK: Cena, but man. Bradshaw has to win once in a while. They should have him win this match, but Cena will to keep the little kids quite. Imagine if Cena lost- little Timmy wouldn't shut the hell up. It'd be "Daddy, Bwardshaw is a big meany stupidhead. He beated John Cena. Why you take me aw da way to San Jeigo if Jonh Cena wost?! Screw you daddy. I like mommy now." The dad would be all pissed and go to his wife, "I told you I shoulda worn a condom." Then he would leave and little Timmy would have no father. He would grow up a criminal and he would become president of Venezuala. He would nuke Stamford (bye-bye Tiatn Towers) and he would force the rest of the world to become like one of Venezuala's state prisons. Imagine Mrs.McDougal next store playing rolling roullete. Or Mr.Ivankloffski who just moved from Russia shooting at Eric, the emo kid who lives around the corner.
MD: I say that Roadkills being ridiculous, but I still think that Cena will win.
DP: Cena kicks asch.
RK: What the hell is asch.
DP: Ass.
RK: Then say ass, you ass.
DP: The FCC may be reading.
RK: THE FCC! REALLY?! I can't f'n belive you. Hey, I meant to right the F word.
FCC Worker: Deadopossum is right. The FCC is reading. We are sensoring your site until One Night Stand.
RK: What the hell just happened? I thought you guys were in charge of radio and- ohh snap. Thanks JBL.
JBL: Your welcome.
RK: You just Closelined the FCC worker. He is a nice guy. He SHOULD GET HIS PUSH, WWE. AND I'M NOT JUST MAKING THIS UP AS I'M GOING ALONG. NO SIREE-
Sorry, but Roadkill was mauled by the entire FCC while finishing this article. The FCC sued him for hiring the APAto take out the FCC guy. Yes, the APA. Simmons couldn't make it. Anyway, RK countersued and won a million dollars, paying WWE to make Triple H and The Undertaker win at One Night Stand.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
One Night Stand Predictions
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Labels: One Night Stand 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Too many Surprises in WWE
I thought about it long and hard. WWE has been shocking us too much lately. I have evidence, too. It was Royal Rumble 2008. We werte awaiting entry #30, when Cena's music hits. He comes in and wins the match. We all thought he wouldn't return until later this month, but that's not the case. Then even more shock, he uses his title shot at No Way Out. That's against tradition! And it's shocking! Cena loses, and the main event for Wrestlemania is HHH vs. Orton vs. Cena for the WWE title. Or at least we thought it was going to be the main event. It's right after Bunnymania, and before Big Show vs. Mayweather. We had a long night before WM was over. We all thought HHH or Cena was going to win, but Orton does. Then he loses it a month later. What the hell was the point of that?! You had a heel win Raw's WM main event but the good guy wins it at a lackluster PPV?! It's official- WWE tries to shock us too much.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Thoughts On Last Nights Raw
Raw is getting better every week in my opinion. And Smackdown is getting worse every week. Go figure. Last night on Raw we saw Jeff Hardy and Umaga in a match, only to end in a draw. These two will fight in a Falls Count Anywhere Match and ECW One Night Stand. The match type caught me as surprising, becuase Cena and Khali fought in one in last year's main event. This year's main event is a Last Man Standing match between HHH and Orton for the WWE title, but we saw that same exact match at No Mercy. This is why this PPV gets the lowest PPV buyrate every year. No one wants to see the main event. I would've went with a Falls Count Anywhere for the main event. And instead of JBL and Cena fighting in a First Blood, I would like a Last Man Standing match. Hardy vs. Umaga: First Blood would've been fine. Also, Batista beat Jericho, meaning that he will fight HBK at One Night Stand. The way they handled this whole thing from Backlash on is retarded. They could make Jericho and Batista turn heel and make it a 2 on 1 stretcher match, but that's not gonna happen. Or Jericho and HBK could gang up on Batista so it would kinda make sense, but WWE isn't smart enough to do that. Also, WWE made this storyline look more retarded than Timmy from South Park last night when they made the "Winner faces HBK at One Night Stand" stipulation. I could see if HBK was a title holder, and this were a title match, but COME ON. That's like making a, "Winner gets to be rivals with HBK for a month" stipulation. Batista should've interfered with the match on Sunday, his match with Jericho shouldn't have had a stip, and HBK should've just came out and superkicked the living crap outa him. Also, Pheonix beat Maria, HHH and Cena lost to JBL and Orton and oh- Regal was fired. He lost to Mr.Kennedy in a No DQ loser is fired match. This makes no sense, after he took Raw off the air, and he messed with matches, and made crazy stips. He should be un-fired and he should rival with Kennedy a little longer. Oh well, this is Roadkill. See you next time, I guess.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Labels: Raw
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Judgement Day 2008 Result: Cena/JBL, Miz and Morrison vs. Kane and Punk
Unlike I predicted, Cena beat JBL and Miz and Morrison retained their tag titles. I could see me being wrong on Cena's match, but I was shocked that Morrison and Miz retained their titles.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Labels: Judgement Day 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Judgement Day Predictions
It's that time of year again, kids. That time when you order a PPV around May 19th, but Kane isn't even angry. Not one bit. It's Judgement Day! This year, we have Kane in a sqaush match! HHH in a cage match! Cena in yet another sqaush match! Boy, watching this is probably going to be worse than the real Judgement Day. Anyway, here are my predictions for this uneventful PPV (Remember, I predict the matches in the order I want to see them):
Kane and CM Punk def. Miz and John Morrison for WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH
This one wasn't a hard choice. It's pretty darn obvious that they'll win, and tha Punk will turn on Kane after a title defense, and he'll win the ECW title thanks to the MITB case. WWE, you never fool me.
JBL def. John Cena
I originally thought Cena would win, but then I did some deep thinking. The winner of this match or Y2J/HBK will probably get the next WWE title shot. Jericho isn't ready yet, and his fued with Michaels is starting to get good, and I would like to see it last a little longer. JBL/Cena isn't exactly that good. Besides, we've seen this rivalry a million times already. I think JBL wins, and earns a #1 contender's spot on Raw.
BONUS MATCH: Umaga and Mark Henry def. Mr.Kennedy
There are only 6 matches tonight, and most of the outcomes are obvious. Kennedy/Regal was highly anticipated (by me atleast) but it's just not happening tonight. So, Regal makes Kennedy vs. Regal with the winner being King of the Ring for tonight, after the opening match. While he is entering, he announces that Umaga and Mark Henry will be representing him tonight. Kennedy is doing good. Umaga is out of the ring, and he is dominating Henry. He hits the Kenton Bomb, The Lambu Leap (Or was it Greenbay plunge? I forget.), and the Mic Check on Henry. Henry is out cold. While he is pinning him, Umaga belly flops Kennedy. He picks him up and Samoan Spikes him for the win. Everyone leaves, but Henry is still out cold. Big Show's music hits, and the crowd goes crazy. He is going to chokeslam Henry, but Mark reverses it into a World's Strongest Slam. Two fueds in one match. Pretty damn good, ain't it?
Mickie James def. Beth Phoenix, Melina WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH
Mickie wins after a Chick Kick (Mick Kick?) to Melina and one to Beth Phoenix
Shawn Michaels def. Chris Jericho
HBK wins exactly how he won at Backlash. A Walls of Jericho injures his leg a little. He gets up and Superkicks the crap out of Jericho for a victory.
Edge and The Undertaker hit their finishers multiple times. The match ends after The Undertaker hits a Last Ride on Edge. Edge hangs on and locks in the Gogoplata. Taker taps, and Edge is the new WHC.
Triple H def. Randy Orton WWE TITLE STEEL CAGE MATCH
Triple H is the obvious choice here. I would like to see him Pedigree Orton at the top of the Cage, too. My guess is that JBL will be his next #1 contender.
Well, there you have it. I will be doing this again in 2 weeks for One Night Stand, where every match will be an extreme rules match. Because that worked SO well last year.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Labels: Judgement Day 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The best idea for a tournament ever
I had a weird dream. There were these bees. They all were doing Dane Cook's hand signal. Weird. They were chasing me because I called Lewis Black a faggot. Even Weirder, because Lewis Black is funny but a little crazy and I would never do that. Then they stung me, but I wasn't hurt. I sung the Beatles' "Imagine". I woke up. I kinda knew it was a dream, because if it wasn't, that would've been one of those visions you see when you take too much LSD. (Hey, that ryhmes!) Then I thought of an idea for a movie- a bee movie. No, not the one with Jerry Seinfeild that you hated but watched because your 4 year-old son wouldn't stop begging you to get off your lazy ass and take him to the movies. No. Now, they've had Snakes on a Plane, Cockroaches on a Skateboard, and even Michael Jackson and Herbert from Family Guy in a dark closet with little Timmy, but those don't even come close to the horror in this movie, titled- AFRICAN KILLER BEES IN A PURSE. It gives you the creeps already, doesn't it? Anyway, the first scene starts out with little old Mrs.McDougal from across the street, getting into her car. She sees bees, and they come towards her car. They are going to sting her, because she's too old to roll up the window or actually drive. They sting her and theopening credits roll. They show a 16 year-old girl talking to one of her boyfriends on the phone. The bees sting the crap out of her, and make a hive in her purse. In the next scene, Captain Underpants kills all the bees. The movie ends at Christmas when Tiny Tim finally gets that big red firetruck he wanted. We could even get Samuel L. Jackson to yell, "I'm tired of these motherf'n African Killer Bees in this motherf'n purse." This would would definetely win an Oscar. I'm positive of that. Anyway, I've been thinking of how much tournaments like Beat the Clock Sprints and that tourny we saw on SD suck. WWE should think of a new tournament, something more interesting. Something like, A BallPark Tournament. Some of you may be thinking, "Man, what the hell is a ballpark tournament." First of all, how dare you question me! Second of all, this tournament is a little complicated. Not as complicated as TNA's Feast or Fired, but complicated. There are 4 -6 people involved. You chose a "9th inning", or a deadline. This tournament goes on until the deadline. When you lose, you are elimanated. To win, you must have the most wins by the deadline, or you must be the last one standing. Doesn't it sound like a great tournament?
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Labels: Tournaments
Thoughts on 5/12 Raw
Raw was good last night. Full of surprises. Here is what I liked and disliked:
Jeff Hardy's return was very unexpected. They said he wouldn't be back until June, but I guess he came back early. He beat Umaga, and I knew he would right after the mtach was announced.
Cade turned on Murdoch- finally. I was waiting for this to happen.
The "Regal being the most powerful man in WWE" thing is getting retarded.
Everyting else.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Labels: Raw
Sunday, May 11, 2008
CM Punk's MITB Breifcase
Happy belated Mother's day to all, and sorry I haven't blogged in quite a few days. I've been busy with my new dog. She's a beagle, and her name is Layla. After the Eric Clapton song. You actually think I'd name her after a diva? I'm not that obsessed with WWE. Anyway, at Judgement Day, Miz and Morrison are fighting Kane and Punk for the WWE tag titles. (Oh God. I don't think anyone else knew about that. Maybe I am that obsessed with WWE.) When I read about this match, I knew it would suck and thought, "What's the point of this?" Then I realized that Punk is Mr.MITB and Kane is the ECW champion. Kane and Punk would probably win, so they'd rival with Miz and Morrison until ECW One Night Stand. Every match is going to be an Extreme Rules match that night, so Punk could abandon Kane, only to cost their team the match. Punk could cash in his breifcase right then and there, and he would become the new ECW champion. This would make perfect sense, because the MITB is usually used at a lackluster PPV, and last year One Night Stand had the lowest buyrate of 2007.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Labels: Money in the Bank
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thoughts on Smackdown/ ECW Title picture/ Why Regal took Raw off the air
Smackdown was very good last night. I would say great, but from 9:25 to 9:50, it was Friday night "cram a bunch of junk into 25 minutes" Smackdown. The Finlay match and the tag team match weren't nessacery. Besides that, I liked Smackdown.
After The Undertaker was stripped of the world title, what's going down next week? I think I know. Vickie will probably give the title to Edge. The Undertaker will use his rematch clause, making a match at Judgement Day. Khali would ask to be put in, and he would be, but only to "protect Edge from The Undertaker". Of course, Khali would do the exact opposite. Also next week, I would like to see MVP win a #1 contender's match for the U.S. title, making a No DQ match at Judgement Day. (The important part is No DQ). Also, I think that Henry will squash a cruiserweight and Show will yell at him for it- again. This would set up a match for Judgement Day, but the match would be announced later in the week on or next week.
Next I want to talk about the ECW title picture. It is not very good. Not good at all. Kane/Chavo is starting to get old. They need to spice up the ECW title picture. I know how they can. At Judgement Day, Kane faces Bam and Chavo is a handicapped match, and if Chavo's side wins, then he is ECW champ. If not, Kane retains his title. Kane would win that match. 2 weeks later, at ECW One Night Stand, Kane and Chavo would fight for the title in an extreme rules match. Kane would win that too. They would be done. Now, the WWE draft was 2 weeks after One Night Stand last year, so I assume that will be the case this year. Anyway, the week before the draft, Kane would warn all new SD and ECW competitors to watch out. He would beat Elijah Burke that night, just to show that he's pretty good. It's the draft now. Snitsky and Mark Henry have been brought to ECW. Mr.Kennedy has been brought to Smackdown. On ECW, Armando Estrada announces that Kane is fighting Snitsky for the ECW title at Night of Champions (the new PPV, premiering June 27th). Kane would beat Snitsky. On the next ECW, Snitsky would beat Chavo and Dreamer in a #1 contender's match for Kane's title. Mark Henry would also beat Kane. Next week, Armando would announce that Kane would defend his title against not only Snitsky, but also Mark Henry in a triple threat match at The Great American Bash. Kane would win that too. On the following ECW, Mark Henry would attack Kane, and it would be announced on later that week that Kane will face Mark for the title in a No DQ match at Summerslam. Kane would win. On the following ECW, Kane would face Henry for the title yet again, (singles match) and he would win. On the next ECW, Armando Estrada would announce that CM Punk will get a shot at Kane at Unforgiven, and he wouldn't have to his his MITB breifcase. He says he's getting the title shot because he's a hard worker and he always comes out on top. Mr.Kennedy comes out and says that he has both those qualities, and he should get an ECW title shot. So, Armando makes it Kennedy vs. Punk in a #1 contneder's match later tonight. Kennnedy wins, and he beats Kane at Unforgiven. Kane beats Kennedy in a non-title match on ECW, giving him a title shot at No Mercy. Kennedy would win at No Mercy, but after the match, Punk would cash in his MITB briefcase and win the ECW title. On ECW, Armado brings out Snitsky, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, Kane, Mr.Kennedy, and CM Punk. He reminds them all that the next PPV is Cyber Sunday, the PPV where fans vote for stuff in each match. He announces that it will be Kane vs. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. the fans choice of either Henry, Snitsky, or V for the ECW title at Cyber Sunday. V wins in the voting, but Punk retains at Cyber Sunday.
Well, that's my idea. Hope you liked it.
For those of you wondering, the reason they had Regal take Raw off the air was to plant a seed for an upcoming HHH/Regal fued.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Judgement Day 2008: What I want to see
Judgement Day 2008 is just a few weeks away. I was thinking up a bunch of matches that I would like to see on the card. Take a look:
U.S. Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP, No DQ match
We've seen these 2 fight, but never in a No DQ match. This would be a nice 20 minute match, and Matt Hardy would come out on top.
Batista and Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
They both think Michaels is faking the knee injury, and we all know that it was real. Well, its' not really real, but it's supposed to be so the storyline can be continued. Anyway, Michaels could get mad at them for accusing he faked it, and they would get mad, he would challenge them to a handicapped match, and they would accept, and we would have our match. Batista and Jericho win.
ECW Title match- Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely
They did the same thing with Lashley/Mcmahon last year. If they could do it here, they might be able to save this dying rivalry. Oh, Kane wins.
Women's title- Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria vs. Mickie James
This is a quick match, and Mickie retains.
Big Show vs. Mark Henry
If you read the Smackdown spoilers, you'll see that Big Show yells at Henry for destroying Nunzio. That could set up a match at Judgement Day. It wouldn't be a good match, but still. After what's going to happen on Friday, you'll see why I think this should be a match. Big Show wins.
JBL vs. John Cena
JBL said that he wants Cena on Raw- so why not fight at Judgement Day? Cena wins here in a rather short 10 minute match.
Smackdown World Heavyweight title match- The Great Khali vs. Edge vs. The Undertaker
If you read the SD spoilers, you'd know that The Undertaker is stripped of his title, and then goes on to beat the hell out of Khali. Chances are that Edge will get the title, The Undertaker will use his rematch clause, and The Great Khali would be put in there by Vickie Guerrero to "take out The Undertaker". Khali woud be smarter by taking out Edge too. Edge would win here. After The Undertaker chokeslames Khali, The Undertaker will taunt to the crowd and Edge will pin Khali.
Promo: Trevor Murdoch comes out and says that he hasn't been the best wrestler lately. They show clips of him losing a bunch of matches, Lance Cade's dissapointed face, and Trevor singing to Lance. He says he's sorry that's he dissapointed, but losing is losing, and everyone is in a bit of a slump one in a while. Lance Cade comes out and says that the only person in a slump is Trevor Murdoch. He says that he's ashamed to be his tag team partner and leaves the ring.
World tag team titles- Carlito and Santino Marrella vs. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly
This match has been anticipated for a long time, and I think they should have it at Judgment Day. Santino and Carlito would get on the mic before the match. I think Cody Rhodes and Holly would drop the titles.
WWE Title- Randy Orton vs. Triple H
This match is already happening, and we all know who's gonna win. (Hint: Triple H).
So, there you have it. I hope all these matches happen at Judgement Day.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Labels: Judgement Day 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thoughts on Raw/Backlash/ECW
Backlash was cool. Better than I expected, too. The matches were a little less predictable, too. I thought that was odd, because usually I'm right when I predict a match. Anyway, let's observe each match, shall we?:
Matt Hardy vs. MVP- U.S. Championship
Matt Hardy wins. Not what I predicted. This gets 4 out of 5 stars.
ECW Title- Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero w/Bam Neely
O.K. match. I knew Kane would win. 2 out of 5 stars. I'm being very generous by giving it 2 stars.
The Great Khali vs. Big Show
I didn't think the show would win. Good match, with alot of submission holds. 3 out of 5 stars.
Shawn Michaels vs. Batista Special ref Chris Jericho
Not that bad, but not great. 3 out of 5 stars.
12 Diva Tag Team match
Every lackluster PPV has a crappy divas match. I was right about the outcome, but 1 out of 5 stars.
World Heavyweight Title- Edge vs. The Undertaker
The Undertaker wins in a 4 star match.
WWE title match, elimanation fatal four way match- John Cena vs. Triple H vs. JBL vs. Randy Orton
Unpredictable ending, and a good match. 5 out of 5 stars here. This and the U.S. Title match stole the show.
Thoughts on Raw:
Raw was pretty good. This guy I know, Nick, was there. The Kennedy/Regal thing was gold. Trevor Murdoch looked like a retard singing to Lance Cade. Countrymusicfest is in June, Murdoch. I didn't get Regal taking Raw off the air during the main event though. I mean, what could you possibly do with that? Creative team sucks.
Thoughts on ECW:
3 words: ECW IS SCREWED. Well, I don't know if ECW is a word, but still. How are they going to work with Tazz and Adamle leaving the ring. What the hell does that lead to? I hope this is Adamle's firing storyline. I can't listen to "Get Bizzay", "Mike The Miz", "Jamaican me crazy", "The Tazz", and "Da Duece" much longer.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Labels: Backlash 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Rivalries all built around Backlash
Posted by Roadkill
Alright, I have 2 storylines all built around Backlash. One involves Chris Jericho, and the other invovles the WWE title. Here is the first one:
Rivalry: Chris Jericho and Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
Why: Chris Jericho costs HBK the match at Backlash.
How it goes: At Backlash, Chris Jericho costs HBK his match with Batista after he hits him with his I.C. title.
On Raw, HBK says, "Jericho, why would you do that to me? What have I ever done to you? What would motivate you to do something like that. Why Jericho, why?" Then Y2J and Batista come out together. Jericho says, " I did what I did for a reason. Michaels, Batista is right. Your ego gets in the way of everything you do. Like Batista said, I will never get to see Ric Flair, my mentor, wrestle again because of you." Michaels responds, "Is this because of Ric? Ric?! Guys everyone has gotten over this. Stop living in the past, will you. Everyone has gotten over this. " "Everyone but us, " says Batista. "You are being so nonchalant about this and I think I know why. Because you hated Flair. You were jealous of his legacy, and you wanted to end his career." HBK says, "Flair was a friend. I wasn't jealous of him, I was happy for him. He had a great career." Then Jericho says, "He did have a great career. But'll you'll never live up to him. You'll never even come close." HBK says, "I know I never will. But you won't either. In fact-" BAM! HBK gets whacked with Jericho's I.C. title.
On the next Raw, Batista and Jericho face Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly. Batista pins Cody after a Batista Bomb. After the match, Shawn Michaels comes out and challenges Chris Jericho to a title match at Judgement Day. Jericho accepts.
On Smackdown, Batista beats CM Punk. After the match, Jericho, who is managing Batista, gives Punk a codebreaker as a message to HBK.
On Raw, Batista fights Shawn Michaels. The match ends in DQ afetr HBK hits Batista with a chair. He hits him a bunch of times with the chair, and Batista is bloodied up. HBK says, "Jericho, look at Batista. You've been warned."
At Judgement Day, Jericho wisn after Batista distracts HBK, allowing Jericho to hit the codebreaker.
On Raw, Batista is on the highlight reel. Jericho says, "Batista, at Judgement Day, you saved me from Shawn Michaels. You saved me from a loss. You saved me from losing my title. When you did all that, you showed that you had my back. Well, now, I want to repay you. Batista, I got your back." Batista and him shake hands, and then Regal's music hits. He announces that right now, Batista is going to fight Shawn Michaels. In the match, HBK is about to win, but a distraction from Jericho costs him the match.
Next week, Shawn Michaels is attacked by Batista and Y2J backstage.
On Raw, Shawn Michaels returns the favor by attacking Y2J and Batista backstage.
On the following Monday, Shawn Michaels beats Mr.Kennedy in a #1 contender's match for the I.C. title. It is announced that the match is HBK vs. Jericho and Batista at Night of Champions (a new PPV premeiring June 27th) in a handicapped match, and if Jericho's side wins, he retains his title, but if HBK wins, he gets the title.
On Smackdown, Batista and Jericho beat Kane in a handicapped match.
On Raw, Batista and Jericho face Triple H and Shawn Michaels as DX. DX wins. Backstage though, HBK is brutally attacked by Y2J and Batista.
HBK wins at Night of Champions.
On Raw, Jerichohas Batista on The Highlight Reel and blames Batista for the loss. Batista says Jericho lost fair and square, and that if it were'nt for him, he'd had lost the title a month ago at Judgement Day. Jericho says that Batista didn't do anything at Judgement Day. Batista asks them to replay the clip, proving Jericho wrong. Jericho says, "That. That was help. Batista, I could've still won I never needed you-" Boom! Batista spears Jericho and leaves the ring.
On Smackdown, Batista beats Jericho. After the match, Theodore Long comes out and says, "Guys, this is a message from William Regal. On Raw, you 2 and Shawn Michaels will fight for the Intercontinental title."
Shawn Michaels wins on Raw.
Rivalry: Triple H vs. Randy Orton
Why: Triple H wants WWE title.
How it goes: It's Backlash. Cena and JBL have been elimanated from the match. Orton and HHH are left. HHH puts Orton through a table, but can't pin him outside the ring. He brings him inside, Orton kicks out, and ends up winning the match.
On Raw, Triple H shows the part of the Backlash match where he pedigrees Orton through the table, but he can't pin him. He says, "I had the match won right there. I should be the WWE champion. But it was outside the ring, so I couldn't. But if it were a diffrent match: A last man standing match, a falls count anywhere match, or a tables match, I would've won." The William Regal comes out and says, "Triple H, you've sparked an idea in my head. At Judgement Day, we will start a 3 stages of hell match between you and Orton for the WWE title. The frist match will be at Judgment Day, the second at ECW One Night Stand, and the thrid at our newest PPV, Night of Champions. But tonight, HHH, you will face JBL. If you win, you get to pick the match stipulation at Judgement Day. If you lose, Orton picks the stipulation." Triple H beats JBL.
Next week, JBL convinces William Regal to give him a match with Randy Orton. If he wins, he will face Orton at Judgement Day, and not Triple H. JBL is about to win, but Triple H interferes and beats the hell out of Orton, giving him the win. He pedigrees JBL and Orton, then grabs a mic. He says, "Orton, at Judgement Day, me and you will fight in a Falls Count Anywhere match."
The Raw before the PPV, Triple H beats Umaga. After the match, he pedigrees him onto the steel steps. He says, "Orton, look at Umaga. Look at him. That's you on Sunday."
Triple H wins at Judgement Day. (Remember, a 3 stages of hell match is like a best 2 out of 3 match. He hasn't won the WWE title just yet.)
On Raw, Triple H gets to pick the next stipulation, as long as he beats a surprise opponent tonight. The surprise opponent, or opponents I should say, are Carlito and Santino Marella. Triple H is squashing them, but then a distraction from Orton costs Triple H the match. Then he bloodies him up with a steel chair and kicks him in the head twice.
On Monday, Randy Orton says that the match at ECW One Night Stand will be a street fight. He says that he will be fighting someone in a street fight tonight to prepare for the match. The refs bring out a jobber, and the match starts. Orton wins very quickly. Then Orton says that he's willing to fight in another street fight and takes an open challenge for later tongiht. Cody Rhodes answers that challenge, but falls short against Orton.
The match at One Night Stand ends in a double-pin.
On Raw, William Regal announces that because of the double-pin, HHH and Orton willl fight in a tables match tonight, and the match will count as part 2 of the 3 stages of hell match. Orton wins.
Next week, William Regal announces that the final match will be at Night of Champions, and it will be a Hell in a Cell match. He also announces that tonight, Triple H will face Mr.Kennedy. HH wins.
Next week, Orton beats Jeff Hardy but mis pedigreed after the match.
Orton wins at Night of Champions and retains his title.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Labels: Rivalries
Official Backlash Predictions
Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. I'm a very busy man. I have to wake up, brush my teeth, get dressed, and eat breakfast. That's like, 6 things. Anyway, here are my official Backlash predictions. Remeber that I predict the matches in the order I think they will appear on the card:
1st match: ECW title match- Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely
I know this match will be first- it is at almost every PPV. I think Kane will take the gold in this one. If I were in charge, I'd make this a 10-15 minute match. I would also have the ref get knocked out, allowing Bam to interfere. If any of that happens, this match would exceed it's very low expectations.
2nd match: 12 Diva tag team match
I think that Natalya's team will win this. Normally, this match would be quick, but based on the rather-long-for-divas match between Cherry and Natalya on SD, this match will go for about 10-15 minutes.
3rd match: U.S. title- MVP vs. Matt Hardy
MVP will win, but this match will steal the show. This match will probably run for a good 30 minutes.
4th match: Big Show vs. The Great Khali
This is going to be bore-fest, spring 2008. As Batista said in his book, when 2 big guys meet, it never works out. This match will end in double count-out and will run for 10-15 minutes.
5th match: The Undertaker vs. Edge- WHC match
I know that most of you are thinking this should be the main event, but it won't be. It was the main event at WM24 only because they didn't want to end WM on a sour note by having Orton win. The Undertaker wins in 30-35 minutes with the submission hold.
6th match: Batista vs. Shawn Michaels w/ special ref Chris Jericho
This match is a good 30 minute match. Batista wins.
Main event: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. JBL vs. Triple H- WWE title elimanation match
This should be a long one. Avery long one. I say John Cena is elimanated first, after a closeline from hell followed by a pedigree. Then JBL is elimanated after a pedigree. Triple H looks good, but after the pedigree, he is RKO'd. Triple H kicks out. They fight outside, and Orton is pedigreed through a table. Triple H tries to pin him, btu Orton kicks out. Stuff happens, and Orton wins.
Yep, so that's what I think will happen. I still think they should add a mid-card rivalry match to help shorten matches like Show/Khali and Batista/HBK. Maybe Mr.Kennedy's return. He wasn't injured, he was just filming a movie in a foriegn country. Maybe he could fight someone like Super Crazy. Or better yet, Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes could fight Santino and Carlito. Non-title though. They can save that for Raw. If that match did happen, it would last a good 10-20 minutes.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Labels: Backlash 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Regal wins king of the ring
Damn. This is just bad on the creative team's part.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
WWE title rivalry
Alright, I have a big rivalry:
Rivalry: Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton
Why: Both want WWE title
How it goes: It is the Raw after Night of Champions (It's a new PPV. They're getting rid of Vengence and replacing it with this. I was shocked too.), and the main event is Randy Orton vs.
John Cena. Orton wins, and after the match, Chris Jericho comes out and says, "Orton, I want your title" and leaves.
Next week, Jericho comes out and talks to the fans. "Last week," he says, "I told Orton I wanted his title. Now, you fans may think I'm greedy for doing this. But Chris, you might say, you already have 1 title. Isn't that enough? Well, I'm happy with my current title, but I should be the current WWE champion. Let me take you all back to Armageddon, the December PPV. I was about to win my WWE title match." Then JBL comes out. "Let me finish that nice little story for ya," he says. "You were about to win. But then I came in and cost you the whole damn match. So as far as I'm concerned, the only thing that's blocking your path to the WWE title is me, JBL. And you'll never get past that obstacle- Never Ever. Because I always have been, and always will be better than you." Jericho responds, "You think you're better than me? You?! JBL, I can beat you at anytime, anywhere, under any stipulation." "Anytime?" JBL responds. "Anywhere? Under any stipulation? How about tonight, in a no DQ match, with the winner getting a shot at the WWE title at The Great American Bash." "You're on," says Jericho. Jericho beats JBL.
On Raw, the opening match is Randy Orton vs. Super Crazy. Orton wins in a minute. As Orton is leaving, Jericho comes out and gives him a codebreaker. Later in the night, Jericho defends his Intercontinental title aginst Jeff Hardy and Mr.Kennedy. Jericho throws Hardy out of the ring and hits the codebreaker on Kennedy. Orton, who is doing commentary, gets out of his seat and distracts Jericho. Kennedy rolls Jericho up while he is being distracted, picking up the I.C. title.
Next week, Jericho faces Kennedy in a non-title match. Jericho wins. Orton faces Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly in the main event. The match ends in DQ after Jericho interferes. He gives Orton the Walls of Jericho, and he taps (even though it's not a match).
Orton wins at The Great American Bash. Jericho has Orton in the walls, and Orton taps his hand on the mat twice (you need to tap 3 times to tap out). Jericho thinks he won, so he celebrates. Orton gets up and RKOs Jericho, then pins him.
On Raw, Orton has an "Age of Orton Banquet" to celebrate his victory. Jericho crashes the party and throws Orton through one of the tables.
Next week, William Regal announces that Jericho will fight Orton at Summerslam, but in a Falls Count Anywhere match. He also says that tonight, Orton will face Jeff Hardy. Orton beats Jeff Hardy.
Next week, Orton gets to pick Jericho's opponent, and he picks Snitsky. Jericho wins, but is RKOd by Orton post-match.
On Raw, Jericho beats Mr.Kennedy and Orton beats Hacksaw Jim Duggan. He punts Jim's head in after the match.
On Monday, Orton faces Shawn Michaels. He wins. After the match, Jericho comes out and tries to attack Orton, but is RKOd.
The Summerslam match ends in a no-contest because both men couldn't go on. Both men were bloodied, battered, and beaten. There was a table set up in front of one of the ring aprons. Orton RKOd Jericho of the top of that ring apron, but he went through the table while doing so.
On Raw, Jericho begs for another title shot. Regal makes a compromise. He says that if he wins his match tonight, he will face Randy Orton at Unforgiven in a ladder match. Jericho's opponent is Umaga. Jericho wins his match.
Next week, Orton says mean things about Jericho. He says that he's a has-been and he shouldn't have come back to WWE. Jericho comes out with a steel chair and says, "There is an old saying for people like you. Silence is Golden. Also, SHUT UP YOU ARROGANT JERK!" (Substitue Jerk for a word you would use to describe a donkey or mule.) Orton says, "Jericho, I can say whatever I want, because at the end of the day, I can walk the walk and talk the-" BAM! Jericho whacks Orton across the head with the steel chair.
Jericho fights Triple H next week. Jericho is about to win, but Orton comes in and returns last week's favor with a chair shot.
At Unforgiven, Jericho wins.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Labels: Rivalries
SD Spoilers
Here are this weeks SD spoilers, courtesy of
MVP beat Tommy Dreamer. Matt Hardy did commentary.
Hornswoggle beat Matt Striker.
Chavo Guerrero beat Jamie Noble.
The Big Show beat Mark Henry by DQ when Great Khali got involved and laid out Show.
Cherry beat Victoria.
Vladimir Kozlov beat Leroy Kincaid, billed from London.
Chris Jericho did an in-ring segment with Batista saying that Batista is just mad he wasn't the person to retire Ric Flair, so Batista laid him out.
Batista vs. The Undertaker went to a double countout after Edge's crew got involved. Vickie Guerrero announced a rematch, for the World title, on next week's episode.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fan of the Month
For the 1st time ever, I am picking the fan of the month. This month's Fan is...
Transplante de Cabelo! He wrote an awsome comment, and I felt I had to acknowledge it. So you, my friend, are April's Fan of the month.
Everyone else, don't be jealous. Send me an awesome e-mail at , or write an awesome comment, (Like Transplante de Cableo), and you could be May's fan of the month.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Labels: Fan of the Month
Thoughts on Last Night's Raw/King of the Ring prediction
I have a few things I want to say about last night's Raw. Wow! Wow again! It was the best Raw in quite a few weeks. I am exited about The King of the Ring tournament. But we'll talk about that a little later.
I guess you could say my favorite match was the women's title match. I liked it because it was watchable, it was Mickie James and not Maria, and because there was a title change. Beth had that title for too long. Way too long, at least for a women's title. That's what I hate about the women's division. Sometimes, the reigns as champs can get a little long. Take Trish Stratus, for instance. She held her title for almost a year before losing it to Mickie James at Wrestlemania
Know I'll talk about the King of the Ring tournament. I like it. Alot. But they should stop making it "return" every two years and just turn it back into a PPV. But besides that, this King of the Ring gets no complaints. In fact, here is exactly how I think the King of the Ring should
1st round:
Chris Jericho def. Shelton Benjamin (quick match, around 5 minutes)
Matt Hardy def. Carlito (Longer match, around 15 minutes)
John Cena def. Big Show after Khali interferes, allowing Cena to get Show into the STFU (7-10 minute match)
JBL def. CM Punk (Same length as Cena's match, or around that)
Triple H def. Edge (15 minute match)
Randy Orton def. Batista (15 minute match)
Shawn Michaels def. MVP (10 minute match)
Umaga def. Funaki (30 second squash)
Second Round:
JBL def. Chris Jericho (10 minute match)
John Cena def. Matt Hardy (15 minute match)
Shawn Michaels def. Mr.Kennedy (10 minute match)
Triple H def. Umaga (15 minute match)
Randy Orton gets a bye because he's WWE champ.
3rd round:
Shawn Michaels def. JBL (10 minute match)
Triple H def. Cena, Orton (25 minute match)
Main event:
Shawn Michaels def. Triple H (30 minute match)
This would be a great way to have 2008 King of the Ring.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Great American Bash 2007: Why it failed
The Great American Bash 2007. It was horrible. The matches were underhyped and overhyped. I had a viewing party for this PPV. My choices were either that or Summerslam. I knew I should've picked Summerslam.
Everyone complains about this PPV, but no one ever tries to figure out why it was so bad. Well, I'm getting to the bottom of this. I'm going to figure out why The Bash was so bad.
The first reason The Bash was so bad was because some matches were underhyped. Let's take a look at the underhyped matches:
Cruiserweight Open for the Cruiserweight title
This match wasn't on the original card either. They just threw it in and had Hornswoggle win it. This was a very short, sloppy match and it seemed like the wrestlers were'nt prepared for it.
WHC: Khali vs. Batista vs. Kane
This match was announced 48 hours before The Bash. I liked the idea, but the match was short, sloppy, and boring. It was predictable that Khali would win too.
Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga- IC title
This was the best match on the card. It was underhyped, but it still worked.
John Cena vs. Bobby Lashley for the WWE title
Everyone knows this match was overhyped. It was a little below par, too.
Now, here are the matches that were correctly hyped:
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Labels: The Great American Bash
Friday, April 11, 2008
SD Spoilers for tonight
Here are tonight's SD results (courtesy of
A bunch of dancers are out with The Great Khali to start Smackdown. His manager says Khali has a peace offering. The Big Show comes out. Khali gives the Big Show a bunch of Indian things including a goat. They shake hands then Show knocks him out with one blow. Lame segment.
John Morrison and The Miz def. Shanon Moore and Jimmy Wang-Yang
Finlay and Hornswoggle def. Matt Stryker
Victoria with "Natalia" (Nattie Neidhart). Nat cuts a short promo. Michelle comes out, bell rings for a match with Victoria. Victoria wins after Nat throws something at Michelle to distract her.
HBK/Batista in ring segment. HBK says everyone has moved on except Batista. Batista says HBK stabbed people in the back. Michaels and Batista could get by on size, but he couldn't. So he did what he had to. Segment ends with Michaels faking sweet chin music and then a brief brawl.
Vladimir Kozlov defeated Matt Logan. This will never make TV, but Kozlov botched his introduction twice, first by heading out before they were filming and then walking backstage as the lights were on. Absolutely hysterical live.
MVP comes out to do commentary for Matt Hardy vs. Chuck Palumbo. Hardy wins via the twist of fate. Matt then yells at MVP, who leaves the ring area.
Undertaker defeated Festus via gogoplata. Ref bump that led to nothing, new ref came down to call for the bell.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Secret Diva
Just in case you were wondering, that diva ho beat up Michelle Mcool on Smackdown was Nattie Neidhart. She took out Torrie Wilson on SD a few months ago.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Backlash is soon
Wrestlemania is behind us and now, we're on the road to Backlash. Speaking of the big BL, here are some matches I'd like to see at the PPV:
Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero: ECW title match
I'm definetely sure that this will happen at Backlash. If it does, Kane should win.
The Undertaker vs. Edge: WHC match
If you read the SD spoilers, you know that this is going to happen at Backlash. It's a normal match, but i'd like to see a gimmick match. Edge is Vickie fiance, so Vickie could've made it a NO DQ match or a street fight, just to give Edge the advantage.
Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
If you read the SD spoilers, you'd know that these 2 have a little arguement on SD. I'd like to turn that arguement into a match at Backlash. If it were to happen, Batista would come out on top.
The Miz and John Morrison vs. Jesse and Festus: WWE tag team titles
This match has happened alot, but never made it to PPV level. I think that these 2 teams should face off in a last chance match. I would like Jesse and Festus to win this one.
MVP vs. Matt Hardy: If Hardy wins he gets a title shot at Judgemnt Day
This could be good. MVP would win though.
WWE title match: Randy Orton vs. John Cena, Last Man Standing match
This is the match that was postponed! The one that never happened! It would be a great main event. Randy Orton would win.
30 man battle royal: winner faces Randy Orton at Judgement Day
Triple H could win this. After all, he's the one on the Judgement Day poster.
Oh, and here's the order I'd put them in:
Matt Hardy vs. MVP: If Hardy wins, he gets a title shot at Judgement Day
WWE tag team titles: Miz and Morrison vs. Jesse and Festus
ECW title: Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero
30 man #1 contender's battle royal
The Undertaker vs. Edge: WHC match
Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
John Cena vs. Randy Orton: Last Man Standing match for WWE title
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, April 04, 2008
Labels: Backlash 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
SD Spoilers
Here are the spoilers for Friday's SD: (courtesy of
Edge and Chavo start the show. They are upset that they lost their titles at WrestleMania, and feel bad that they have let their fans and Vicky down. They are both getting title rematches at Backlash. Also tonight, Vicky has signed Kane vs. Taker.
Non-Title Match: Matt Hardy defeated MVP © in a 15-minute match.
Festus squashed Edge Guy Zach Ryder.
HBK is out to the ring. Batista comes out to interrupt him. Batista is angry with HBK, and calls him egotistical. HBK tries to smooth it over, but Batista makes HBK feel guilty for beating Flair and says he should have laid down for Flair. Batista tosses down the mic and leaves. HBK gives his mic to the ring guy, is sad and leaves.
Vladimir Kozlov defeated Matt Bentley in a very quick match.
Non-Title Match: The Miz and John Morrison © defeated Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang.
After the match the Great Khali came out and beat down all four men. He grabbed the mic and started to talk about the Big Show, who then came to the ring. They stared down and Khali left like on Raw.
Kane and The undertaker went to a double count out as they did the double big boot spot and couldn't answer the 10-count.
The first 10+ Minutes was a "grappling bout," as they wrestled, hit no signature moves and just worked basic wrestling. After the double KO boot spot, they both did the sit up. Edge, Chavo and the Rated Rmy hit the ring and beat them down. Kane and Taker then did the double sit up again, chokeslam on Edge, one for Chavo and then double tombstones to close the show.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Rivalries: MITB edition
Sunday night was Wrestlemania. One of the matches was the annual Money in the bank match. I have some thoughts about next year's MITB match, so I decided to make a storyline around the match. Read on:
Rivalry: MITB qualifier vs. MITB qualifier vs. MITB qualifier vs. MITB qualifier vs. ...
Why: They all want to be Mr.MITB
How it goes: It's the SD after Royal Rumble. Rey Mysterio lost a world title match. And Edge didn't win the Royal Rumble. So Edge has Vince Mcmahon on The Cutting Edge. He begs Vince for a World Title shot, but Vince won't give it to him. He says, "Edge if you want a title shot, I'll put you in the Money in the bank match. You can win that and get the title shot". Then Rey Mysterio comes out and says that he deserves a title shot more than Edge. So Vince Mcmahon makes it Edge vs. Rey Mysterio in a MITB qualifying match at No Way Out.
Next week on Smackdown, Rey Mysterio beats Chuck Palumbo. In an interview, Edge says that he will win at No Way Out.
On SD, Edge has Rey Mysterio on The Cutting Edge. Edge says that he will win at No Way Out. He goes on to brag about how many titles he's held, and how's he's already won MITB matches. Then he names all of Rey's titles, and says, "Look at the diffrence people. I am better than Rey Mysterio in every way". Then Rey Mysterio says, "Edge, all of those title reigns are a fluke. You cheated to win all of those matches. But that's not the case with me. At least I can win without cheating". Then Edge says, "Well Rey, a win's a win. And you can't win. You had a short" (and he emphasizes the word short) "world title reign. All of your streaks and reigns were very very short." (he emphasizes short again) "I have to bend down to talk to you". Then he makes more short jokes, but on one knee to get Rey mad. Rey has had enough, so he kicks Edge in the face. Then he beats the hell out of him while he's on the floor. The Edge-Heads come in and attack Rey. When he gets up, Edge spears him.
At No Way Out, Rey opens the show by beating Edge and qualifying for the MITB match.
On ECW, The Miz qualifys for the MITB match.
On Smackdown, Rey Mysterio beats The Miz.
On Raw, Carlito qualifys for the MITB match.
On ECW, CM Punk qualifys for the MITB.
On Smackdown, Edge gets a second shot and qualifys for the MITB match.
On Raw, Jeff Hardy qualifys for the MITB match.
On ECW, Kane qualifys for the MITB match.
On Raw, Chris Jericho qualifys for the MITB match.
At Wrestlemania, Jeff Hardy wins the MITB match.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Labels: Rivalries
Pyro at Mania/Brangelina buys WWE ring/More
During The Undertaker's entrance at Wrestlemania, the pyro malfunction, injuring 40 people.
The following is courtesy of
Believe it or not, celebrity couple Brad Bitt and Angelina Jolie's new home has a full-sized WWE wrestling ring. "The best part of the house is a separate gym area with a real [World Wrestling Entertainment] ring in it," Building contractor Ron Charles told Life & Style Weekly. Pitt is filming Terrence Malick's Tree of Life in Texas and his home, which he is renting from professional wrestler the Undertaker.
The WWE Hall Of Fame on USA did a good 2.1 cable rating this past Saturday.
Right before the Heat taping, WWE flashed a Cryme Tyme graphic on the HD set, spoiling
Cryme Tyme's return.
Former WCW wrestler Hardbody Harrison was sentenced to life in prison on sex trafficking and forced labor charges.
Floyd Mayweather was spotted taking pictures and interacting with fans outside WWE’s hotel in Orlando yesterday afternoon and into the evening. He came out around 4:00 PM and told fans that he had just woken up which isn’t a surprise since he’s known as a night owl. He smiled for all the pictures and was said to be very respectful and approachable when dealing with fans. While Floyd was posing for pictures one of his bodyguards sold a Floyd Mayweather Jr. hoodie for $250 to a guy from Australia.
The chinchilla outfit that Floyd wore to the ring for his WrestleMania 24 match against Big Show reportedly cost between $25,000 and $30,000.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Labels: Quick news
Ric is gone
Ric Flair had his fairwell ceremony last night on Monday Night Raw. It was a nice little feel good moment. I'll recap it:
Flair comes out and gives a little speech. He is about to leave, but Triple H comes out. He says that there are some people who want to say goodbye. Then The four horsemen come out and say goodbye to Ric. Then Batista comes out and says farwell to Flair. Then Dean Malenko comes out. Then Jericho. Then Harley Race. Then his family- the list of people goes on and on. Then Triple H says, "Is there anyone else who wants to give their regards to Ric", and the whole WWE roster comes out. By this point, Flair is crying. It was a nice little moment that I think Flair won't forget.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
The aftermath of WM24
Alright, it's post Wrestlemania. It was a big night, but here are the results:
JBL def. Finlay in a belfast Brawl:
Not what I expeted. Oh well, Finlay will kick his rich texas butt on Raw.
CM Punk wins MITB match:
Kind of predictable, most people say. Well, I DIDN'T PREDICT IT!!!!!
Batista def. Umaga:
I said Umaga, but I knew deep down that Batista was better.
Kane def. Chavo Guerrero:
Yeah, I predicted that.
Shawn Michaels def. Ric Flair:
I knew it. It's sad that the Flair era is over. Flair was crying during the match too. The end came when Michaels was going for the Sweet Chin Music, but hesitated. Flair got up, and said, "Do it, just do it". Then HBK said, "I'm sorry," kicked him, and pinned him.
Beth Phoenix and Melina def. Maria and Ashley
How can you have this goofy crap right after Ric Flair's final match. That's bad on WWE's part.
Randy Orton def. Triple H, Shawn Michaels
No one thought this would happen. I'm shocked, and I'm never shocked about anything.
Floyd Mayweather def. Big Show
Good match. I predicted it.
The Undertaker def. Edge
Good match. Not a good choice as a main event. But being that Orton won, it's a pretty good main event. Flair vs. HBK would've been good here too.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, March 31, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Kane vs. Chavo
Kane beat Chavo Guerrero for the ECW title.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Batista vs. Umaga
Batista has defeated Umaga. There were alot of boos during this match, so it probably didn't go over well with the crowd.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Money In The Bank... Bank
Guesseing by the title, you would've thought that Mr. Kennedy was the winner of the MITB match. But you're wrong! CM Punk is the new Mr. Money in the bank.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Finlay vs. JBL mathc result/ Battle Royal
JBL defeated Finlay with a closeline from hell.
Kane won the battle royal by elimanating Mark Henry last. He will face Chavo Guerrero in a title match later tonight.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Candice Michelle will not compete at Wrestlemania tonight. She is being replaced by Ashley.
There is a 50% chance of rain in Orlando tonight. This could affect Wrestlemania, because the PPV is outdoors.
The following is courtesy of also reports that all wrestlers from Smackdown and ECW were informed yesterday that they are required to appear at Monday's RAW. This didn't sit well with some of the Smackdown and ECW wrestlers who were hoping to have a day off in Orlando on Monday.
There is some speculation that WWE may announce the details for this year's Draft Lottery on RAW. The rumored date for the draft is April 21, the next time WWE RAW is a 3-hour show.
As noted earlier, MVP & Maria appeared on the "Best Damn Sports Show Period" earlier in the week. Host Charissa Thompson met with MVP & Maria at a ring. MVP tried to give an in-ring wrestling lesson to Thompson, not to mention that he let her hold his WWE U.S. Title. Thompson also played SmackDown vs Raw '08 with both MVP & Maria. If you missed the segment, you can see a video of it at
The following is courtesy of
The first thing I saw when I pulled into the Double Tree Hotel parking lot where MVP was signing autographs was a TNA promotional vehicle. I thought that was odd. I was chatting with someone inside the lobby who mentioned that the vehicle had been circling the parking lot all day. Inside, there was a really cool Wrestlemania merchandise table. Lots of cool things to buy from wristbands to replica belts to personalized jerseys. I went with the Wrestlemania boxing glove keychain for $5.
I ran into "Sign Guy". People were asking him for autographs and taking pictures with him. I've seen him on Youtube before and heard about him but I had no idea how "almost famous" he was. Odd. He seemed like a really cool guy though. I took a picture with him for the hell of it. The line for the MVP autograph session was very long. It took awhile for it to start moving but once it did, it moved quickly. Some dude who works for WWE kept coming out and telling us that the line was "cut-off right here". Lots of people left right at that moment but loyal fans including myself stuck around. That same employee came back out and told us "you guys are standing here for no reason". Nobody left. I made it inside the "lounge" where MVP was signing. He signed my Wrestlemania boxing glove keychain. He seemed like a very polite person. There's not a whole lot to say about him though because the WWE employees were rushing everybody so much. "Keep it moving." I was disappointed in the fact there was no chance for a photo opportunity. Oh well.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: Quick news
More on TNA vs. WWE
According to Dave Scherer of the Pro Wrestling Insider website, AJ Styles, Team 3D, Earl Hebner, and Kaz all showed up at WWE's Fan Axxess Tour at Universal studios and told fans to attend the TNA taping over the weekend.
This is just one of several incidents that have taken place this weekend in Orlando between WWE and TNA. WWE officials are already angry over the incidents and have warned their talent to avoid public situations with TNA workers. However; as we have been reporting there has been more than one occurrence of WWE superstars hanging out with TNA workers.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: TNA vs. WWE
TNA Plans to ruin Wrestlemania
WWE's rival, TNA Impact, is planning to ruin Wrestlemania. Sometime during the show, They will have a blimp fly over the Citrus Bowl, and it will say something along the lines of "Watch TNA Impact, Thursday nights on Spike TV". Cameramen have been advised not to show the blimp during the broadcast. Fans and TNA wrestlers will also be handing out TNA flyers.
WWE superstars were advertising for Wrestlemania next to the building where TNA is filmed. They were advised not to interact with TNA stars, but Edge and Christain were seen together and The Undertaker, Sharmell, and Booker T were also seen together.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: TNA vs. WWE
Friday, March 28, 2008
How to win GM Mode in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008
I just won GM mode in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008! Here's how I did it:
Be Raw.
You're probably gonna think I'm crazy, but pick Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio. Sign them for a year. Then exit the draft.
Make one of them clean and one of them dirty, (Shawn Micheals is probably the better choice as a clean superstar).
Give one of them the WWE championship, and the other intercontiental.
Turn injuries off, and put it on legend difficulty. Put the card so it is on Re-Run .
Buy the storyline writers which have "undisputed champion", and "legend killer". Make a rivalry by one of these two, and make it for a PPV over 13 weeks away.
For RAW, have 5 big events. My 5 were:1st match: Intercontiental Championship (normal) 2nd Match: Ladder match 3rd match: TLC match 4th match: Hardcore match Main Event: Steel Cage WWE Championship. Simulate all these matches. You can have promos if you want. (Hint: If you run a Rivalry in palce of a match promo, a slander promotion promo, an interference promo, a rivalry attack promo, or an interview promo every week, you will win GM mode the day before Survivor Series. If you don't you'll win 2 weeks after Royal Rumble. And yes, you can win before Wrestlemania. Except it's not a ceremonie. Mcmahon just puls you aside and tells you he's going to give you the GM of the year award).
For the first few weeks have your day activites go Monday: RAW Tuesday: Shawn Michaels - Fan Favorite Training Wednesday: Rey Mysterio - Fan Heat Training Thursday: Shawn Michaels - Fan Favorite Training Friday: Rey Mysterio - Fan Heat Training
When both of the Fan Heat for Mysterio and Fan Favouite for Michaels reach 100%, do:
Monday: RAW, Tuesday: Shawn Michaels - Trophy Date, Wednesday: Rey Mysterio - Trophy Date, Thursday: Shawn Michaels - Trophy Date, Friday: Rey Mysterio - Trophy Date
At PPV's I set my matches like this:1st match: TLC match 2nd Match: Hardcore match 3rd match: Last Man Standing match 4th match: Intercontiental Championship - Ironman 20 minute Main Event: WWE championship - Hell In A Cell
Extra Notes:
You may start out slow, but it's all okay. If you run promos, you'll win the day before Survivor Series. If you don't, you'll win 2 weeks after Royal Rumble. September and the beginning of October are the worst, because you need 6 guys for Unforgiven's main event, and you don't have that, so you only have 3 matches at Unforgiven. That month is usually where Smackdown shines too. Tommy Dreamer also threatens you in emails ocassionally. They are quite funny, because he thinks ECW is the best, even though he is down by 4 million fans.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, March 28, 2008
Labels: SD vs. Raw game
TNA and Mcallister
courtesy of
Just as they did when Tommy Dreamer attended the TNA house show at Webster Hall in New York City, has made mention of Robbie McAllister (real name Dereck Graham-Couch) attending last night's live episode of TNA iMPACT!. Below is what was wrote in a post made on the official TNA Wrestling website:
There were several celebrities and special visitors in attendance at the live "iMPACT!", including Detroit Tigers pitcher Joel Zumaya, Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Farrior, and WWE wrestler Dereck Graham-Couch. In addition, mixed martial arts veteran Frank Trigg was part of the broadcast to offer his thoughts on the upcoming Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe bout for Lockdown on April 13.
WWE told their talent in a meeting on Wednesday to avoid public situations with TNA wrestlers.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Rivalries Part Whatever Part we're up To
Welcome to another edition of rivalries, the segment where I come up with storylines that I think the WWE should use. Today, I have a great title unification storyline. Please, read on:
Rivalry: Triple H vs. The Undertaker (more people get involved, though)
Why: Triple H wants to be the World and WWE Champ.
How it goes: At Wrestlemania, Triple H and The Undertaker both win. You will be happy they won then, but you may regret rooting for Triple H.
On Raw, Triple H says that winning is nice, but he wants the World Heavyweight title too. He bad-mouths The Undertaker and the fans boo. Randy Orton comes out and says that he doesn't care if Triple H is the world champ, as long as he gets his WWE title back. Then William Regal comes out and says that tonight's main event is Triple H vs. Randy Orton. If Triple H wins, he faces The Undertaker for the world title at Backlash, meaning that he doesn't have to defend his title at the pay per view. If Orton wins, he is the new WWE Champion. This match is a no DQ match too. Triple H wins, and after the match, the Undertaker comes out and says, "Triple H, you should've been happy with just the WWE title. Because you were greedy, you stepped into the deaman's courtyard. And in the deadman's courtyard, you will scream in agony and pain. I will make sure you Rest In Peace".
On Smackdown, The Undertaker faces MVP. Triple H interferes, but is chokeslammed.
On Raw, Triple H is on the highlight reel. Triple H and Jericho don't get along, so Triple H faces Jericho later that night. It ends in a no contest, as The Undertaker interferes and tombstones Triple H.
On Smackdown, The Undertaker and Chris Jericho lose to Triple H and MVP. After the match, Triple H pedigrees The Undertaker.
On Raw, The Undertaker beats Snitsky. Triple H beats Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly in a handicapped match. After the match, he pedigrees Rhodes twice and hits Hardcore Holly with a sledgehammer. He says, "Undertaker, take a good look at the tag team champs. This is what you're gonna look like at Backlash."
On ECW, The Undertaker squashes Elijah Burke in the opening match. He taps to his move that has yet to be named.
On Smackdown, The Undertaker beats Duece 'n' Domino to start off the show. Triple H beats Finlay in the main event. After, Triple H says, "Undertaker, I will be 2 champions as of Bcklash. I'll do anything to win. Hell, I'll end your career if I have to. But take a look at Finlay. He's just been beat. That's exactly what's gonna happen to you at Backlash".
On Raw, The Undertaker beats JBL. Triple H, in an interview, vows to win the World title at Backlash.
On ECW, Triple H is DQ'd against Balls Mahoney, after he hits him with his sledgehammer.
On Smackdown, Triple H beats Jimmy Wang-Yang in a short match. The Undertaker beats The Great Khali in the main event. After the match, Triple H comes out and hits The Undertaker with a sledgehammer.
At Backlash, Triple H is interviewed before the match. He hypes up the match a bit and vows to win, again. The Undertaker retains his title against Triple H in the main event. The match is a good 20 to 30 minutes, and ends when The Undertaker makes Triple H tap to the move that has not been named.
On Raw, Edge starts off the show with The Cutting Edge. His guest is Triple H. He says that he should get another world title shot. Edge then says that he deserves a rematch, because he was champion before Undertaker and has a rematch clause in his conract. Then John Cena comes out and says that he doesn't give a damn about The Undertaker, and he wants a WWE title shot. Then William Regal comes out and announces that at Judgement Day, it will be John Cena vs. The Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Triple H, and it will be for the WWE and World Heavyweight title.
Regal then says that tonight, The Undertaker will pick Triple H's opponent. He picks Kane, and Triple H wins. He ends the night by posing with the WWE title in his hand.
On Smackdown, Triple H gets to pick The Undertaker's opponent. He picks Randy Orton. The Undertaker wins, and he ends the night by posing with his title in hand.
On Raw, Edge gets to pick Cena's opponent. He picks Umaga. Edge interferes, and beats the hell out of Cena. Then Triple H comes out and it's a 3-way brawl. Then the lights go out (I think we know what that means) and it's a 4-man melle. The security gaurds have to come out to break it up.
On ECW, Triple H and The Undertaker have to team up to fight Edge's men, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. H and Taker win, but The Undertaker tombstones Triple H after the match.
On Smackdown, John Cena picks Edge's opponent. He picks Finlay. Edge wins, and after the match, Cena, H, and Taker come out, causing a 4-way brawl, which has to be broken up by security.
On Raw, Edge, Ryder, and Hakins face Cena, Taker, and Triple H. Cena's team wins, but after the match, Edge and his men attack Cena, H, and Taker.
On ECW, Cena and Edge beat 2 jobbers. After the match, Edge's men attack Cena.
On Smackdown, Taker and Cena face Edge and Triple H. Taker's team wins. Edge's men come in and try to attack Cena, Taker, and H, but it backfires, as Cena FUs Ryder, H pedigrees Hawkins, and Taker Tombstones Edge. Then the lights go out. When they go back on, Taker has H and Cena by the throat, and Edge and his men are layed out on the floor. Taker double chokeslams Cena and H, as he motions for the title.
At Judgement Day, Triple H wins.
On Raw, Triple H brags about his win. Then the lights go out. The Undertaker challenges Triple H to a falls count anywhere match for The World title at One Night Stand. Triple H says he'll think about it, and then he is chokeslamed.
On Smackdown, the main event is The Undertaker vs. Edge. Taker wins, and then says, "Triple H, I'm waiting for an answer", and then Tombstones Edge.
On Raw, Triple H accepts his match, and beats Jeff Hardy in the main event.
On ECW, The Undertaker squashes Big Daddy V and Matt Stryker in a handicapped match. He then motions for the title.
On Smackdown, The Undertaker beats Ryder and Hawkins in the main event. Triple H comes out and spinebusters Undertaker, whixh is followed by a pedigree.
At One Night Stand, it is a great match but The Undertaker wins.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Labels: Rivalries
Larry King rescheduled/ News on Battle Royal/ Smackdown Spoilers
The WWE superstars will appear on Larry King Live tonight at 9:00, on CNN.
The 24 man Battle Royal will be on for free at 6:30, and will not be on the Wrestlemania card. The winner will still get a shot at Chavo, meaning that the title match will probably be 1st. Here are the superstars in the battle royal:
From Raw: Snitsky, Brian Kendrick, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Val Venis, Hacksaw Jim Duggan
From Smackdown: Mark Henry, Chuck Palumbo, The Great Khali, Deuce, Domino, Jesse, Festus, Kane, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore
From ECW: Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, The Miz, Tommy Dreamer, Kofi Kingston
Here are the Smackdown Taping Results: (courtesy of
Dark Match: Ron Killings def. Kenny Dykstra
Killings received a nice reaction when you consider how long he’s been out of the WWE and instead stuck in TNA purgatory and also AAA. There were plenty of responses to his WHAT’S UP yells. He pins Dykstra with an axe kick.
Smackdown Tapings (Air date 3/28):
Mark Henry def. Kane, Chuck Palumbo, and The Great Khali in a 4 man battle royal
Chavo Guerrero is introduced at the start of the show and does guest commentary. Match itself is rather short. Kane is eliminated first and followed by Chuck Palumbo (both by Khali, I believe.) Henry and Khali trade chops and punches for a bit, then Henry lifts up Khali for a body slam and throws him over the top rope. Henry receives a face pop for his disposing of Khali.
Chavo sneaks into the ring after the match and takes out Henry at the knees. He works on him for a bit before Henry comes back and gives Chavo a bodyslam and splash.
Teddy Long is backstage with Eve, Cherry, and Michelle McCool. He announces that Eve has been eliminated from the Diva competition. Maryse and Victoria show up and start arguing with everyone. Teddy says the only way to settle this is with a ‘Diva Super Soaker/Water Balloon Tag Match’ or whatever the hell he called it. Yikes.
CM Punk def. John Morrison
Jesse, Festus, and Kofi Kingston def. Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, and the Miz
Batista def. Snitsky
After the match, Batista beats the hell out of Snitsky and Batista Bombs him onto a steel chair.
Michelle McCool and Cherry def. Victoria and Maryse w/ Eve as special referee in the ‘Diva Super Soaker/Water Balloon Tag Match’
Chris Jericho def. MVP via DQ
There’s a bit of a delay while the ring crew switches out the mats. MVP comes out while the ring is still being switched and he gets on the mic and works the crowd for a few minutes. He also walks over to the announce table and mouths off and berates Michael Cole. I doubt that will air, however.
This was another enjoyable match. Jericho seems to be finally finding his stride again and MVP’s potential is through the roof. Jericho reverses a Playmaker attempt into the Walls of Jericho and MVP is able to escape and scurry out the ring. He grabs the belts and runs into the ring to get DQ’ed. Jericho ducks the hit and gives MVP the Codebreaker on the US title.
Funeral Ceremony
The ring is set up with full funeral arrangement garb and resembles a wake. The black flowers and wreaths are present, along with a picture of the Undertaker and a podium for Edge to speak. A casket is in the middle of the ring. Edge and his entire posse are present in formal attire. Edge gives a eulogy on the Undertaker, covers his accomplishments, and lists his Wrestlemania opponents. He comments on how that time has now come to an end.
Vickie interrupts and says she has a gift for Edge. It’s a video in the style of a movie preview promoting Edge as a superhero for conquering the Undertaker. When Edge starts a final prayer, the lights go dark and Undertaker’s music and video plays. The casket opens and Taker ambushes Edge. He assaults him in the corner until Edge is able to escape. The tapings end with Taker posing in the middle of the ring.
Note: Someone screwed up during this segment and really exposed the product. When the lights dropped and the music/video started, it seemed to go on longer that what you’d normally expect. One of the producers who had been outside on the corner ring steps for the entire segment then literally jumped onto the apron and banged on the back of the casket in plain sight. He hopped back down and the casket opened. I was just a few feet away from this since I was sitting 3rd row floor on the TV side. All of us in the area looked at each other literally dumbfounded since it was painfully obvious. I understand this type of segment isn’t necessarily ‘believable’ to begin with and it’s nothing that will show on TV, but it kills any type of suspension of disbelief that the crowd needs to have to be fully invested with the product. I can’t possibly believe that’s how it was designed in the first place. It definitely looked amateurish.
Dark Match: Ric Flair, Batista, and the Undertaker def. Edge, the Big Show, and MVP
Post match, the faces are in the ring celebrating for several minutes. Batista grabs the mic and thanks Flair for being a friend and an integral part of his professional and personal life. Flair speaks and thanks Fayetteville for supporting him throughout his career. He says that if this Sunday is truly the end of the line, he’s glad to have performed here one last time. Taker doesn’t speak but embraces Flair and motions to him. All three walk out together to end the show.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Labels: Quick news
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wrestlemania Predictions
It's that time of year again! The birds, flowers, and bees are all here. No, not spring, Wrestlemania time! And since it's Wrestlemania time, I am posting my official WM24 predictions:
MITB Ladder Match:
I thought that Jeff Hardy would win this match, but he's suspended. I guess it's a seven man MITB match this year. As for the winner, I have my money on Chris Jericho. Who else in this match deserves a title shot?
Finlay vs. JBL:
Finlay. I see Hornswoggle returning at WM too.
Batista vs. Umaga:
The WWE has been making this one kinda obvious. Batista won the videogame match, and he beat the hell outa Umaga on Raw 2 weeks ago. Come on? Can't you add more build-up to this one? I feel like they're not even fighting with each other.
Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather:
I hate Mayweather and I love Show. But Mayweather is gonna win this one. I have an alternate storyline using Mayweather, by the way.
It's not a title match, so the heel woman's not gonna win. Candice and Maria steal this one, in a crappy but funny (funny because Snoop Dogg's the special ref) match.
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels:
Michaels will win. They won't end Flai's career before or after 'Mania. That's just wrong.
10 man battle royal/ECW title match:
Not sure about the battle royal. There are 24 possibilities.As for the title match, Chavo loses no matter what.
Edge vs. The Undertaker:
Undertaker. It's Wrestlemania. He can't lose.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H:
Triple H, definetely. Orton- you can't have a heel win the main event. Cena- he's going to shoot a movie after 'Mania, and he's been in the limelight for too long. Triple H- deserves it. Personally, I would have Hardy win the MITB, have Orton win the title match, and then have Hardy use his title shot after the match. He would headline 'Mania! But, that can't happen, because- well, you know why.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Monday, March 24, 2008
Labels: Wrestlemania 24
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Show on Conan
Big Show was on Late night with Conan O'Brien last might. Here is a recap of the show:
Big Show claims that his wife is bigger than Floyd Mayweather, and he can do anything to Mayweather at Mania, even “Kiss him on the mouth” (ACTUAL QUOTE).
Show then told a funny story about his wife being the meanest person on the planet, and how she named their pet turtle “Big Slow” as a rib. Big Show claimed they could never have kids. Quote: “As mean as she is and as big as I am, if we had a son, it’d be the Anti-Christ!”
Show then told a story about getting a New York hot dog, then a crowd of kids came out for autographs and pictures. The hot dog vendor then put all hot dogs “half-price, only one dollar!” Conan then said Big Show was tricked, and $1 is the REGULAR price for a hot dog, and Big Show got a stamp of the word “ASS” superimposed on his face.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Things you should do before you Die
I was reading some old issues of WWE Magazine last night. I got to an article in the March 2007 issue called "101 things every fan should do before he/she dies". I read it. Knowing that the article was just a buncha Merchandising propoganda, I came up with my own list. So without Further adue:
Things a WWE fan should do before He/She Dies: According to Roadkill
- See Smackdown, ECW, or Raw live. At least once. Even if it's just a live event.
- Hold a viewing party for a Pay Per View at least once.
- Meet a WWE Superstar and get his autograph.
- Meet a WWE Diva and get her autograph.
- Donate some money to Lita's animal charity, A.D.O.R.E.
- Eat a WWE Ice Cream bar. Most people say it's hard to find, but go to the Deli or the Ice Cream truck and it's right there.
- Prank call the WWE Magazine editor hotline. The number is (203) 947-4297.
- Make a blog or website about the WWE. Kinda like this one.
- Turn a non-fan into a fan. How do you think I got into wrestling?
- Subscribe to WWE Magazine for a whole year. I know most of you have already done this, but, and this may surprise you, I haven't.
- Dress up as a wrestler for halloween.
- Get your kid (if you have one) to dress up as a wrestler for halloween. But only if he's a wrestling fan.
- Go to a TNA IMPACT show and wear WWE merchandise. The crowd will hate you. (Extra points for LOD face paint or a Rey Mysterio mask).
- Bring a sign when you see the superstars live. Most people do, so this won't be so hard.
- See a WWE superstar's Myspace page. I've seen Edge's.
- See every Wrestlemania in chronological order. Not in one sitting, though. That would be over 100 hours of Wrestling!
- Go on JR's site,
- For your next BBQ, use JR's BBQ sauce, which you can order from his site.
- Read 3 books written by WWE superstars. So far, I've read two. (I've read Adam Copeland on Edge and Batista Unleashed.)
- Buy a WWE DVD that isn't a PPV. (Example: Ladder match DVD, Undertaker's 15-0 DVD)
- Buy a WWE that is a PPV. (Example: Summerslam 2007, Wrestlemania 21)
- Contact a WWE superstar. Click on the link to find out how:
- Memorize the lyrics to at least one WWE Superstar's Theme Song.
- Buy something on at least once.
- Keep a collection of WWE Magazines.
- Unlock all the Legends in every Smackdown vs. Raw game that you own.
- Win General Manager mode in every Smackdown vs. Raw game that you own.
- Get every answer right in a WWE Magazine quiz.
- Play the WWE DVD board game once. It's WWE's only boardgame, and it's very hard.
- Take a tour of Titan Towers. If they still do tours.
- Meet a former WWE Superstar.
- Meet one of the legends featured in any Smackdown vs. Raw game.
- Download a few superstar's theme songs onto your Ipod, and put them all in the same playlist.
- Watch Rey Mysterio perform the 619 live. I have, and it looks really cool.
- Walk like Mr.Mcmahon in front of your friends, but only if they like WWE. It will make them laugh and laugh.
- If you have a kid, try to get he/she into wrestling. Who knows, they might become the next Cena because you made them watch Raw one night.
- Call a guy in a plaid shirt Mick Foley. Only if that guy is a fan, though.
- Watch a few episodes of Holgan Knows Best. If you don't like it, rule 39 doesn't apply to you.
- Get every episode of Holgan Knows Best on DVD. You can, it's on re-runs.
- If you see that a Wrestler is on a show other than Smackdown, Raw, or ECW, make it your duty to watch that show.
- On photoshop, make a photo mocking a superstar or diva. I've done it.
- Read some of my spoilers I post at least once. Knowing the SD results can't hurt.
- Buy that soundtrack Raw made. Put all the songs on your Ipod.
- Know the answer to this question: What are the 4 faces of Mick Foley? This is elementary WWE, people.
- If you can afford it, go to wrestling school. It's the only way you'll know if you have what it takes.
- Visit Booker T's store, "The Jam Shop". Only if you live near it though. (The store is located somewhere in Houston.)
- Know the Royal Rumble winners and which year they won. From Jim Duggan to Cena.
- Read all of Mick Foley's books.
- Attend Wrestlemania. I know quite a few who have. Before you ask, I' haven't attended 'Mania.
- Complete everything on this list.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
WWE Larry King Rescheduled/ Smackdown Spoilers
Last night, WWE superstars were supposed to appear on Larry King, but instead, Wolf Blitzer hosted and chatted about the war. The superstars are now scheduled to appear on 3/27. This show airs the same time as TNA Impact's first ever live episode.
Here are the spoilers for tommorow's Smackdown: (courtesy of
Batista d. Deuce & Domino in a total squash match. Batista hit a Batista Bomb on Domino to get the win
A backstage segment airs with Cherry talking trash. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. Undertaker is announced for later tonight.
Teddy Long announced that tonight's Diva competition between Cherry, Eve, Michelle McCool and Victoria will be an arm wrestling match.The arm wrestling table was setup in the ring. Victoria beat Eve, Michelle McCool beat Cherry. Michelle McCool beat Victoria. Victoria is the diva eliminated by the fans. Victoria attacks Michelle but she is able to counter and Victoria gets knocked to the outside.
Big Show d. Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, & an unknown wrestler in a total squash match. Big Show nailed a right hand on Chase Stevens to get the victory
World Heavyweight Champion Edge d. Funaki in a squash match. Edge mocked Undertaker by picking up Funaki and hitting a Tombstone
The briefcase above the ring on the cable was for MVP's VIP Lounge which is up next. Chris Jericho is announced as the guest.The segment features a lot of verbal sparring. Jericho plays with MVP's name calling him a zit, loser, and a jackass. MVP ends up climbing the ladder and Jericho pushes him off.
Kane vs. Chuck Palumbo ends in no contest. The Great Khali comes out and gives Kane a hard chop and then a tree slam to both. Mark Henry comes out and takes out Khali. He hits a splash on Palumbo and the World's Strongest Slam on Kane. Big Daddy V was not featured in the segment.
WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz & John Morrison d. Jesse & Festus to retain. Jesse takes a pretty big beating before Festus gets the tag and cleans house. Festus ends up getting thrown out of the ring. The Miz scored the pinfall on Jesse after he hit the Reality Check.
ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. The Undertaker is up next. Edge comes out with Chavo.The Undertaker b. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match via submission. Undertaker dominated throughout until he ended up choking Chavo out. After the match, Edge hits the ring along with Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. Undertaker attempts a chokeslam on one of the Edgeheads but Edge hits the Spear. All three beat Undertaker up in the ring with chairs.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Jeff is having a bad week/ WWE Superstars on Larry King
Triple h, John Cena, Vince Mcmahon, Floyd Mayweather, and The Big Show will all be on Larry King Wednesday night @ 9:00 PM on CNN.
Jeff Hardy is having a terrible week. He was suspended. He lost his IC title, his MITB spot, and now, his home. Jeff Hardy's North Carolina home burned down on Saturday. No one was home at the time and no one was harmed.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
CM Punk/Carlito Backstage Heat
Courtesy of
At a RAW brand house show in Louisville on March 1st, Carlito came out to do an interview wearing a CM Punk shirt with his face cut out of the shirt. Carlito basically said that he cut the face out because he was out of toilet paper. It was done in Louisville because Punk is either based there or was based there. Also, Punk never came out to confront him as they're on different touring brands, so they're not building any angle. It's said to be a receipt over some bad blood the two have regarding something to with WWE Diva Maria Kanellis. Punk at one time (not anymore) dated Maria and Carlito supposedly hit on her openly backstage right in front of CM Punk at times. Carlito was able to get away with the house show incident because he is currently in good standing with officials after he agreed to not leave the company back in December. Carlito was promised that he'd be used better if he decided against leaving. His standing also explains Carlito landing a spot in the Money in the Bank match. Punk has some detractors backstage, so Carlito was able to get away with doing this even though it was quite unprofessional of him to air out some dirty laundry when they're not building an angle off of it.
WWE Diva, Melina speaks to When asked about Playboy, Melina replied, "I always tell people that I’ll never say never because I don’t want to be one of those girls that one day does it and everyone says, “She said she’d never do it.” I’ll never say never but at this point in time I wouldn’t do it because I’d find it weird to have my family open up the magazine, or have somebody go up to my family, “Here’s your daughter.” That’d just be weird. Right now I want people to see me as Melina. I don’t want to be known as that girl who stripped in Playboy. I have a lot to show the world other than that." On the subject of Batista, "He doesn’t hide anything, and he didn’t say as much as he would have said, and for reasons I guess? But in his way, he put the most important people in his life in that book, and that’s his way of saying that I’m an important person in his life," Melina said.
Matt Hardy writes on his blog:
"I know two people of different genders who are in a dilemma at this time. One of these individuals I am extremely close with-the other one I used to be. The thing that worries me is that they’re both playing around in the deep water and can’t swim. I can swim."
He posted the blog a few hours after WWE had announced the suspension of his brother Jeff, and many people believed that is who he was talking about, especially considering that he said he's really close with the person in question. Additionally, it was reported the day before that Ashley Massaro had been sent home from a Raw taping a few weeks ago after showing up in "bad shape" at the catering area. So some people believed that he was talking about her when he said that the person in trouble was of a different gender, not to mention that he used to be close with the individual. Of course, Ashley & Matt were involved in a relationship during her first few months in the company. Regarding the paragraph causing the confusion, he wasn't talking about Jeff, nor Ashley. He was talking about a former couple he knows. He wrote: "This paragraph is about a former couple, one of my close friends, and her ex. Neither one of them can seem to move on (swim) from their bad relationship experiences with one another. It’s really adversely affected their personal lives and they’re both metaphorically "drowning" in the "ocean" of negativity, sorrow, and pity. Through my own personal experiences, I’ve learned how to "swim" away from an unhealthy relationship to avoid doing personal and career damage to myself (Although I had to learn the hard way in 2005). When Eulogy by Tool randomly played on my iTunes, it was ironic caused I had just told my friend earlier that she should "bury the relationship" once and for all." Matt then comments on Jeff and Ashley in the following paragraph:
"The reason I deciphered this portion of my cryptic blog was to put an end to some of the "interpretations" that the IWC have made. Several people have speculated that the male in Article C was my brother, Jeff Hardy, which isn’t true. As unfortunate as the situation is concerning Jeff, I’m not worried about his health or well-being in the slightest. I know my brother will be absolutely fine even though he has suffered a career setback. Jeff is one of the best human beings I know, regardless of the fact that he’s my brother. One of the names I saw circulating around as the female was Ashley Massaro, which is now obviously inaccurate as well. Although I do see how people could misinterpret my words, given one of my statement-"One of these individuals I am extremely close with-the other one I used to be." Ashley is a awesome girl who I wish nothing but the best for. I wanted to address these misinterpretations so that the spreading of any untrue rumors originating from my "cryptic blog" would immediately cease."
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Quick News
Source: has an interview up featuring Rich Christensen of the Speed Channel's "Pinks" show and Tommy Dreamer. During the interview Dreamer admits to suffering a hairline fracture in his leg and continuing to wrestle on it because he didn't realize that he was injured.
CNN has a video now online of Vince McMahon and Larry King squaring off in a match in an animated video courtesy of the WWE Raw vs. SmackDown 2008 video game. As noted earlier, WWE has been bumped from tonight's episode of Larry King Live. Instead, confirms that Larry King will interview "Dr. Laura" about former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's prostitution scandal. Hours later, King announced that he may have the WWE on his show sometime next week.
The Daytona Beach-News Journal continues their coverage of WrestleMania with another Q & A with Jim Ross.
Deuce, Domino, Cherry, and Val Venis will be in Nashville, Tennessee this weekend with the WrestleMania Fan Axxess tour. The festivities will be set up at the Opry Mills Mall Entertainment Court on Saturday and Sunday.
During an appearance on MTV's Total Request Live, Kim Kardashian stated she would be appearing at WrestleMania 24 during the BunnyMania Lumberjack Match along with Snoop Dogg.
World Wrestling Entertainment's "Greatest Superstars of WrestleMania" production will be shown in Carmike Cinema theatre chains this weekend. The production will also be released on DVD through Wal-Mart.
The following was issued on "Forget about the Monday Night Wars, the Thursday Night War is here TONIGHT. ROH and TNA will be going head-to-head on cable TV. ROH "Rising Above" featuring the Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries main event that everyone is calling a match of the year candidate will air tonight at 9pm on iN DEMAND. If you have The DISH Network you can see it today on DISH's All Day Ticket. TNA "Impact!" airs on Spike TV tonight at 9pm featuring Karen Angle's bombshell announcement. Relive the days of the TV wrestling war (well, at least for one night) and compare the products for yourself."
The special extra on the WWE No Way Out 2008 DVD will be the backstage segment where Shawn Michaels congratulates Ric Flair on his victory over Ken Kennedy.
Stacy Keibler is putting all her wrestling memorabilia on sale on eBay. She's selling dresses, skirts, shoes, boots lingerie and bikinis.
Lita was interviewed on radio station Y101 (Richmond, VA) this morning. The hosts kept asking her about her personal life but she was having none of it. When they asked her if she was still dating Edge, she said that even if she was, she wouldn't tell us because she learned her lesson last time. She sounded very uncomfortable and did not want to talk about wrestling at all. When asked about Jeff Hardy's suspension, Lita said that she hadn't heard about it yet but "it sucks". She refused to answer whether Jeff uses drugs. Afterwards, the hosts ragged on her and said she was a bad interview guest.
From what I understand, Jeff Hardy is now in rehab. The word we are getting is that Hardy was denying he had a problem and was rejecting the idea of going to rehab. Apparently Hardy has been having a drinking problem. This is just what I (Ryan Clark) have heard and I'll keep you posted as I get more. I was hesitant to post this so take it for what it's worth. has an interview up with WWE Diva Melina. When asked whether she was surprised when Batista went public about their relationship, Melina said, "Kind of yes and kind of no. Like, I was surprised to see it but knowing him, he wears his heart, he'll tell people how he feels. He doesn't hide anything, and he didn't say as much as he would have said, and for reasons I guess? But in his way, he put the most important people in his life in that book, and that's his way of saying that I'm an important person in his life."
Regarding the Georgia State Senate passing Senate Bill 413 (that dealt with professional wrestling), the bill was amended to keep professional wrestling from the strict state regulations. The bill largely focuses on regulating mixed martial arts and ultimate fighting in the state as they will be regulated by the Georgia Boxing Commission. There was a separate section added to the bill for professional wrestling.
The only thing that Senate Bill 413 will require out of professional wrestling events in the state of Georgia is that all wrestlers and promoters must have a license to work. Wrestlers will not be subject physicals and drug tests or fall under the strict regulations that MMA and boxing will be subject too.
ECW Diva Lena Yada is apparently injured. There's a picture circulating online in which she is seen wearing a cast on her right arm.
Five wrestlers from Ohio Valley Wrestling debuted for Florida Championship Wrestling at Tuesday's show. Justin LaRouche lost to Gabe Tuft, Shawn Spears (from OVW) & Johnny Curtis beat Sinn Bowdee & Kafu, Charles Evans beat Sheamus, Mighty Mikey & Colt Cabana (from OVW) beat Heath Miller & Jack Gabriel, & Milena Roucka teamed up with Nicole Bella in her FCW debut, losing to Nattie Neidhart & Victoria Crawford.
Triple H and Shane McMahon will be guest speakers at Friday’s ceremony to honor Vince McMahon with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The ceremony will take place in Hollywood, California at 11:30 AM Pacific Time.
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Labels: Quick news
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Updated WRESTLEMANIA 24 card/ Smackdown spoilers
Here are the Spoilers for Friday's Smackdown (courtesy of
We are told that they accidentally turned the ring over while changing out the ECW stuff for SmackDown's setup. Tony Chimel and referees were said to be responsible. I was told it was hilarious. - There are two rows of tires in the center of the ring. - We are told that there is something that looks like potato sacks at ringside. Jonathan Coachman and Michael Cole are now at their positions ringside. WWE SmackDown (Air date 3/14):
The show opens with the Divas Swimsuit competition. Eve Torres, Cherry, Maryse, Victoria, and Michelle McCool are all featured. Maryse is voted off by the fans through their text messages. Michelle McCool wins an obstacle course with the remaining WWE divas. The obstacle course was said to be extremely dumb as the divas had to run through the tires in the ring, complete a potato sack race, and jump a small wall.
A Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels promo
WWE shows a promo for tonight's match between Batista and MVP for the U.S. Championship in a no holds barred match.
Big Show d. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore in a handicap match. Big Show pinned Shannon Moore. After the match Big Show tossed Wang out of the ring.
It is announced that WWE Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz will face off against one another in a WrestleMania Money in the Bank ladder match qualifier.
John Morrison d. The Miz in a Money in the Bank ladder qualifying match for WrestleMania. I was told the crowd was not too involved during the match. It should also be noted that Jeff Hardy's picture was removed from the MITB graphic.
United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter d. Batisa in a No Holds Barred match to retain the title. This match was given significant amount of time. There was a lot of chairs used throughout. MVP was able to get the pin after Umaga came out and hit Batista with a Samoan Spike.
Chuck Palumbo & The Great Khali d. Kane & Jamie Noble Khali pinned Noble after a chokeslam to get the win for him and Palumbo.
Edge, Zack Ryder, curt Hawkins, & Chavo Guerrero d. Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels in a steel cage match. Flair gets a monster pop from the live Chicago crowd. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero will join Edge, Ryder, and Hawkins and the match will be 4-on-2. Michaels got caught in the rope for several minutes as all six men are in the cage. Flair is busted open early in the match. Michaels and Flair both locked Figure Four leglocks on Edge and CM Punk at the same time, which I was told was a very cool spot. Eventually the lights went out and the Undertaker appeared. He cleans up but Edge is able to escape for the win. Undertaker points up to the WrestleMania sign.
Vickie Guerrero re-appears and says now it's Big Show vs. Undertaker. This could be a dark match forthcoming. (6) Undertaker d. World Heavyweight Champion Edge. It started as Big Show vs. Undertaker. Big Show was dominating early but left the ring when Edge came out and instructed Big Show to leave. Undertaker ended up hitting a Tombstone on Edge to get the victory.
Jeff Hardy has been suspended at won't be appearing in Wrestlemania's Money in the Bank match. Here is the updated Wrestlemania card:
Triple Threat match for the WWE title:
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Triple H
World Heavyweight title match:
Edge (c) vs. The Undertaker
Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
Batista vs. Umaga
Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Confirmed thus far: Ken Kennedy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito vs. MVP vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
Lumberjill match:
Maria and Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix and Melina
Belfast Brawl:
Finlay vs. JBL
Raw/SmackDown/ECW 24-Man Battle Royal - Winner gets a ECW Championship shot later that night against Chavo Guerrero
ECW Championship match:
Chavo Guerrero vs. The winner of the #1 contender's battle royal
Posted by
Captain Smiles
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Labels: Quick news